Revolutionizing Healthcare with Tailored Cloud Solutions

An ambulance driving down a city street at night.

At Ankercloud, we focus on healthcare needs. Our advanced cloud services are tailored for healthcare providers, optimizing operations, enhancing patient care, and fostering innovation.

Our Solutions

At Ankercloud, we understand that every healthcare organization is different. That's why we offer a range of customizable solutions to suit your specific requirements:

Healthcare-Centric Solutions

Our cloud solutions are specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of the healthcare industry, addressing the issues that matter most to hospitals.

Knowledge Bridge

 Bridge the gap in expertise by offering comprehensive training, support, and solutions that empower your team to leverage the cloud effectively, fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency.

Data Analytics and Insights

Unlock the power of your data with our advanced analytics tools. Gain valuable insights into patient trends, operational efficiency, and clinical outcomes to drive informed decision-making and improve overall performance.

Compliance and Security

Stay compliant with industry regulations and safeguard patient privacy with our robust security measures and comprehensive compliance protocols.

Awards and Recognition

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Our Latest Achievement

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Public Sector
Solution Provider
SaaS Services Competency
DevOps Services Competency
AWS WAF Delivery
AWS Glue Delivery
AWS Lambda Delivery
Amazon CloudFront Delivery
Migration Services Competency
Public Sector Solution Provider
AWS CloudFormation Delivery
Amazon OpenSearch Service Delivery
Well-Architected Partner Program
Cloud Operations Services Competency

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High Performance Computing using Parallel Cluster, Infrastructure Set-up

AWS, Cloud, HPC, Machine Learning, BioTech
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Migration from On-prem to AWS of a Content Automation Platform

AWS, Amazon OpenSearch, Cloud technology, Germany, Europe
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Migration a Saas platform from On-Prem to GCP

GCP, Cloud, Saas
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Cloud security, Cloud Compliance, SOC 2, ISO 27001

Mastering Compliance: A Quick Path to SOC 2, ISO 27001, and More with Ankercloud

December 6, 2023

In an increasingly interconnected world, compliance with stringent industry standards and regulations is no longer a choice but a necessity. Organizations managing sensitive data and information must adhere to comprehensive frameworks like SOC 2, ISO 27001, and more to ensure data security and operational integrity. Ankercloud stands as the ultimate solution, offering an efficient pathway to compliance and enhancing your overall security posture.

The Compliance Conundrum

As businesses expand and technology evolves, safeguarding data, maintaining operational integrity, and fostering trust become paramount. Achieving compliance with standards such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, and other relevant frameworks can be a formidable challenge. It demands meticulous documentation, rigorous audits, and ongoing commitment.

Ankercloud's Streamlined Approach

Ankercloud revolutionizes the path to compliance by providing a streamlined approach that accelerates your journey.

1. Expert Guidance

Ankercloud's seasoned professionals collaborate closely with your organization to develop a tailored compliance strategy.

2. Simplified Documentation

Compliance involves an extensive paper trail. Ankercloud simplifies this process with document templates and guidance.

3. Automation Tools

Ankercloud offers a suite of automation tools that simplify compliance management, spanning access controls, data encryption, and more.

Achieving SOC 2 Compliance

SOC 2 compliance revolves around controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Ankercloud streamlines the process, ensuring your organization meets these stringent requirements.

ISO 27001: Building a Secure Information Management System

ISO 27001 stands as a globally recognized standard for information security management systems. Ankercloud expertly guides your organization through this intricate process, covering risk management, security policies, and continuous improvement.

Other Frameworks

Ankercloud's expertise extends to a spectrum of compliance frameworks, including HIPAA, GDPR, and NIST. The unified approach ensures your organization is prepared for an array of compliance requirements.

The Benefits of Streamlined Compliance

Mastering compliance with Ankercloud bestows multiple advantages upon your organization:

- Fortified Data Security

Compliance frameworks inherently enhance data security practices, safeguarding your information.

- Customer Confidence

Meeting compliance standards signifies your dedication to protecting customer data, fostering trust.

- Competitive Edge

Compliance can serve as a competitive differentiator, opening doors to new opportunities.

- Risk Mitigation

A compliant organization is better equipped to manage risks and respond to incidents promptly.

The road to mastering compliance, particularly frameworks like SOC 2, ISO 27001, and more, is no longer a burdensome one. Ankercloud's streamlined approach simplifies the journey, ensuring your organization meets the highest standards while upholding data security and operational integrity. Do not let compliance complexities impede your progress. Embrace the future with Ankercloud and secure your position in today's fiercely competitive business landscape.

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Cloudwatch, AWS, Cloud, Cloudwatch Metrics, Cloudwatch Custom Metrics

Setup of Custom CloudWatch Metrics on your Linux EC2 instance

August 9, 2023
Amazon CloudWatch can load all the metrics in your account (both AWS resource metrics and application metrics that you provide) for search, graphing, and alarms. Metric data is kept for 15 months, enabling you to view both up-to-the-minute data and historical data.
The CloudWatch monitoring provide some basic monitoring which can be configures in some clicks, while if you want to monitor custom metrics such as the disk and memory utilization of your EC2 machine you should have to follow these steps.

Steps to configure CloudWatch Metrics on Linux Machine:

  1. Go to AWS Console-> Go To IAM -> Go to Role-> create Role-> Attach CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy -> click next-> Give Role Name-> click create role

2. Attach created role to the EC2 instance on which you want to do configuration of CloudWatch Metrics.

Go to EC2-> Go to Security-> Go to Modify IAM Role-> Select the Role Name-> click on update IAM Role

3. SSH into Your EC2 instance and apply following Commands

i. wget

The command will download CloudWatch Agent on your EC2 machine.

iI. sudo dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb

The Command will unzip the installed package

iiI. sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard

The Command start installation of CloudWatch Agent

iv. sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json -s

The Command will run the AWS CloudWatch Agent

v. sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a status

The Command Will start the AWS CloudWatch Configuration as per selected Settings.

4. Now monitor the instance from CloudWatch Console.

5. Go to the cloudwatch dashboard->click on all Metrics-> click on cwagent-> click on InstanceId

6. Select Metrics which utilization you want to check

7. This is how you can check the memory, disk and CPU utilization of your EC2 instance.

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DevOps, Cicd, Automation, Pipeline, Cloud

DevOps Trends: CI/CD Automation

August 9, 2023

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) automation is a crucial aspect of DevOps practices and has been gaining significant attention in recent years. By automating the CI/CD pipeline, organizations can accelerate software delivery, improve code quality, and enhance collaboration between development and operations teams. Here are some notable trends in CI/CD automation:

  1. Shift-Left Testing: Shift-left testing emphasizes early and continuous testing throughout the software development lifecycle, starting from the earliest stages of development. By integrating testing into the CI/CD pipeline and automating the testing process, organizations can identify and address issues more quickly, reducing the risk of defects reaching production.
  2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Infrastructure as Code is a practice that enables the automation and management of infrastructure resources using code. With IaC, infrastructure configurations can be version-controlled, tested, and deployed alongside application code. CI/CD automation tools integrate with IaC frameworks such as Terraform or AWS CloudFormation to provision and manage infrastructure resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.
  3. Cloud-Native CI/CD: As organizations increasingly adopt cloud computing and containerization technologies, CI/CD pipelines are evolving to support cloud-native applications. Tools like Kubernetes and Docker are commonly used to build, deploy, and orchestrate containerized applications. CI/CD automation platforms are adapting to support the unique requirements of cloud-native environments, enabling seamless integration with container registries, orchestrators, and serverless platforms.
  4. Machine Learning/AI in CI/CD: Machine learning and AI techniques are being applied to CI/CD automation to optimize various aspects of the software delivery process. For example, AI-based algorithms can analyze code quality, identify patterns, and provide recommendations for improvements. Machine learning models can also be used to predict and detect anomalies in CI/CD pipelines, enabling proactive identification of potential issues.
  5. Low-Code/No-Code CI/CD: The rise of low-code/no-code development platforms has extended to CI/CD automation as well. These platforms provide visual interfaces and pre-built integrations that simplify the setup and configuration of CI/CD pipelines, reducing the need for extensive coding or scripting. Low-code/no-code CI/CD tools empower non-technical stakeholders to participate in the automation process and accelerate the delivery of applications.

Benefit of CI/CD: -

· Increased delivery speed & cooperation

· Instantaneous feedback

· Simple to maintain & Reliable

Components of a CI/CD Pipeline: -

a. Jenkins Pipeline: Jenkins Pipeline is a powerful and flexible way to define your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows in Jenkins. It allows you to define your build, test, and deployment stages as code, providing a consistent and repeatable process for your software development lifecycle. Jenkins Pipeline supports two syntaxes: Declarative Pipeline and Scripted Pipeline.

i. Declarative Pipeline: Declarative Pipeline provides a more structured and opinionated syntax for defining pipelines. It is recommended for most use cases as it offers simplicity and readability. Here’s an example of a simple Declarative Pipeline:

pipeline { agent any

stages { stage(‘Build’) { steps { // Perform the build steps here } }

stage(‘Test’) { steps { // Run your tests here } }

stage(‘Deploy’) { steps { // Deploy your application here }}}}

In this example, the pipeline has three stages: “Build,” “Test,” and “Deploy.” Each stage contains the necessary steps to be executed.

ii. Scripted Pipeline: Scripted Pipeline provides a more flexible and programmatic way to define your pipelines using Groovy scripting. It allows you to have greater control over the execution flow and provides more advanced features. Here’s an example of a simple Scripted Pipeline:

node {

stage(‘Build’) { // Perform the build steps here}

stage(‘Test’) { // Run your tests here }

stage(‘Deploy’) { // Deploy your application here }}

b. Configuration Management Tool: Ansible

Ansible is an open-source configuration management tool that automates the deployment, orchestration, and management of software applications and infrastructure. It is designed to be simple, agentless, and easy to use, making it popular among system administrators and DevOps teams. Here are some key features and concepts related to Ansible:

i. Agentless: Ansible does not require any agents or additional software to be installed on the target systems. It uses SSH (Secure Shell) and Python to communicate with remote hosts, which simplifies the setup process and reduces the overhead on managed systems.

ii. Declarative Language: Ansible uses a YAML-based language called Ansible Playbooks to define configurations and automate tasks. Playbooks are human-readable and describe the desired state of the systems. This declarative approach allows for idempotent execution, where running the same playbook multiple times produces consistent results.

iii. Inventory: Ansible uses an inventory file to define the hosts or systems it manages. The inventory can be a static file or generated dynamically from various sources, such as cloud providers or external scripts. It allows you to organize hosts into groups and apply different configurations to specific groups or individual hosts.

iv. Modules: Ansible comes with a wide range of built-in modules that perform specific tasks, such as managing packages, configuring services, manipulating files, or executing commands. Modules are written in Python and can be extended or customized to meet specific requirements.

v. Playbooks: Playbooks are the heart of Ansible. They are YAML files that define a set of tasks to be executed on remote hosts. Playbooks specify the desired state of the systems, and Ansible takes care of bringing them into that state. Playbooks can include variables, conditionals, loops, and handlers to perform complex configuration management.

vi. Idempotency: Ansible’s idempotent nature ensures that running the same playbook multiple times does not cause unintended changes. If a system is already in the desired state, Ansible skips the corresponding tasks, resulting in a consistent and reliable configuration management process.

vii. Ad-hoc Commands: Ansible allows you to execute ad-hoc commands directly on remote hosts without the need for writing a playbook. This feature is useful for quick troubleshooting, one-time tasks, or running simple commands across multiple systems simultaneously.

viii. Ansible Galaxy: Ansible Galaxy is a hub for sharing and discovering Ansible roles. Roles provide a way to organize and reuse playbook logic, making it easier to manage complex configurations. Ansible Galaxy allows you to find pre-built roles contributed by the community, helping you accelerate your automation efforts.


Code quality is increased and changes are provided rapidly with CI/CD automation. The automation technique has a very good quality, bug-free, and quicker fault isolation impact. We completed every step of the automation process, including create, build, test, and deliver. Process automation is necessary for software development.

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